Or, at least the ones in the Chicago area. I'm interested in starting some kind of film club, to informally gather and watch selected titles, perhaps discussing them after. I'd want to include a wide range of movies; exploitation, euro-sleaze, horror, cult, lost classic, pyschotronic, camp, experimental, underground, whatever. If you live in the Chicago area and have any interest, leave a comment or e-mail me at address included in my profile. Thanks, Jason.
Labels: alternative cinema, chicago, cult movies, movie club
We wanted to let you and all readers and film enthusiasts know about a new service for all filmmakers and film students that can be seen on www.mymovienetwork.com. If you’d like to do a write up on our service, interview us or if you’re looking to advertise or partners with us, feel free to contact me. We are running two contests right now, the Big Hits and the Reel of the Month contests.
About www.MyMovieNetwork.com
Launched in 2006, MyMovieNetwork is a unique online community that provides tools for filmmakers to showcase their work around the world by posting their films and portfolios as well as, learn from, network and collaborate with fellow movie makers. All members and visitors can watch, critique and rate submitted content based on its quality while at the same time enjoy the entertainment provided to them for free. MyMovieNetwork runs contests to find the best filmmakers, provides tools for scouting, blogging and linking to personal film archives. In addition each user can create a studio where all their films, cast and crew are associated with the studio. MyMovieNetwork community is growing so drop by and if you have a story to tell we’d love to hear from you and see your work.
Action dramedy Hancock smashes the superhero mold for the first half of the film, and then spends the last half messily trying to piece it back together. Will Smith's playing a troubled anti-hero with a drinking problem and no compassion for the victims he saves. It's an intriguing premise and one ripe with opportunity. Yet other than one good gotcha twist, Hancock blows its shot at breaking new ground. It resorts to trying to shove a square peg happy ending into a round hole that should have been filled with something more closely matching the film's nobody's perfect premise.
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